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If you are missing a bunch of album covers in your iTunes music library try this neat shareware program called TuneSleeve. It isn't the quickest program around but it did a pretty good job on my library. It didn't do them all but it got most of them.

Snap It


Would an image preview of a link help you to decide to click on the link or not? seems to think so. It is a nifty idea. Hover over the links on this page and see for yourself?

I thought I could find an open source tool that would convert html to an image and build a quick free version of this tool myself. But every library I could find was cheap, but not free. Anyone know of an open source one?



After years of using RSS Bandit, like Dave, I'm finally ready to move on. The RSS Bandit team got off to a great start, but the innovation going into the tool over the last year has been pretty much at zero.

As much as I would like to switch to a web based aggregator, there are several intranet feeds that I monitor that having two tools wouldn't make sense for me. I settled on FeedDemon. It doesn't meet the free requirement, but at 30 bucks it is still well below my price point.


Early impressions with FeedDemon are excellent. The UI is pleasing and intuitive and it is very fast during feed updates. It has crashed a couple times when my laptop returns from hibernation, but version 2 is still in beta so I can live with a bug or two for the short term (and I sent the error into tech support and they responded in less than 2 hours...a fix is on the way).