Recently in Company Category

Down Goes SavaJe


Each year at JavaOne there is a company called SavaJe that always seems to make a big splash. They sell a Java Platform based OS for mobile phones and they also sell a mobile device branded as a SavaJe product.

At this past JavaOne they announced on stage that the new Java Phone by SavaJe was the Best In Show for devices on display and everyone should buy one before they were all gone. I think most people understood it was a marketing/sponsorship ploy (they would do this every year). But heck, they even suckered Tim Bray into buying one.

Now eWeek is reporting that SavaJe has finally gone down in flames. JavaOne just won't be the same.

I never really understood their model. Their goal should have been to standardize the OS on all mobile phones and that would have meant getting Nokia, Motorola, LG, and everyone else to license their product. They may have had more success by following the Linux model; give the code away and attempt to start something grass roots with the developer community. Now that they have gone under it is about the only thing left to try.

We're #1


This week it is time to show a little company pride (IDC). HP competes intensly with Dell in the PC market and having the #1 title belt around our waist is an accomplishment to celebrate. Now we just have to take out Big Blue as the #1 technology company and I think we'll be looking down on everyone else. The only bad thing about being on top is everyone is then gunning for ya. But thinking back to the playground days, I liked being the one that was chased.