Brian Levay: November 2007 Archives

Party Foul


Even though the score was 37-0 in the 4th quarter (Yeah Terps!) there still was plenty of business going on down on the field. Check this penalty out:

I don't know about you but whatever it was I'm pretty sure it isn't the kind of business you want.

Soccer Ends


It was back in August when I posted about Soccer Beginning and I haven't made a single post since then. Well last week soccer officially ended (there actually are 3 more practices left but they aren't my practices to run...woo hoo). Coaching 3 teams took a lot out of my evenings and weekends but we had a blast. The two youngest boys had great years. They played well and scored a lot of goals. The oldest is just starting to learn how hard soccer really can be when the boys on the other team are all just as fast and just as tough as his team.

It will be nice to step it down a notch from super-dad to regular-dad. For basketball and lacrosse I'm just a helper and a spectator and that is fine by me.