March 2008 Archives



PEBKAC is happening too often in these parts. Who knew there were so many similar acronyms?

MovableType 4.1


Just upgraded the blog software from 3.35 to, what a change! This is going to take some getting used to. I do have to thank Six Apart for making the upgrade process about as easy as can be (copy over the installation directory and go to your blog admin url....that is it).



This one has been in my to-post queue for awhile.....classic.


Maryland Wine


If you are wine lover (or if you are against unnecessary government regulation) and live in Maryland now is the time to help out your fellow citizens and write your state congressman about Senate Bill 616 and House Bill 1260. If these measures are passed wine junkies like myself will have access to some of the best wines the world has to offer. Right now Marylanders have access to the best wines the state run distributors have to offer. Maryland is one of the many states that still do not allow direct shipment of wine to the consumer.

Free the Grapes will do all the work for you. Just click on the Maryland link, scroll down, punch in your name & address, click Send Message and "Free the Grapes" will send an e-mail to your state senator and representatives on your behalf.

Web Development Shootout


Dave pointed me to this interesting movie comparing J2EE against some high powered web frameworks, specifically Ruby on Rails, Zope, Turbo Gears, and django. I think it is well known that J2EE will lose against just about any web framework. Try teaching simple jsp/servlets to community college students and you'll quickly understnd why. I spent more time on the nuances of the framework than actually building web apps.

I'm not sure when the video was created but I think if you threw the other Java based web development frameworks into the mix (e.g. Grails and Lift) ruby and zope would still win but I can guarantee the results would have been closer.

The author interestingly enough selects Zope as the winner. Try a few Google searches on Sean Kelly and you'll probably see why. A see a little bias....hmmmmm.