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May 1, 2007


I'm still waiting for someone to come up with a good use case for Twitter in the Enterprise. Monthly status reporting comes to mind. If I can Twitter everything I do throughout the day and then come back later with some tool to help build my monthly status report...I think that could be useful. But that is a stretch.

It was Twittervision that started this post. I'm not sure how much of my life I have wasted staring at this page but the time (measured in minutes) was still way too much!

Java Windows Service

There is a very good article today on DevX on Converting a Java Application into a Windows Service. Several packages exist to help with this (Java Service Wrapper is the first one that comes to mind). I still think it is way too complicated. Who wants to install Visual Studio to fire up the C++ compiler to get this to work? Native windows integration is still killing Java. And most of us just want simple things. I want to double click a .java file and have just one eclipse start versus a separate eclipse process for each file.

Jovi Romance

For all you 80's hair band fans out there, the new Bon Jovi single, (You Want To) Make a Memory is out. And thank god, the going country rumors were false.

While on the topic of music, last year around this same time the alternative band that crossed over and made it big I think was Simple Plan. Is there any doubt that this year that title belongs to My Chemical Romance?